What identity documents do I need?

  • Updated

To act in accordance with the rules imposed by the monetary and financial code we must verify the authenticity of the identity documents of all Qonto users, as well as the data they contain. This allows us to fight against money laundering, fraud, and terrorism.


Remember: Qonto accounts only involve professional activities.


Qonto accepts the following identity documents:

Documents Accepted by Qonto βœ…

Documents NOT accepted by Qonto ❌

βœ… National identity document issued by a member country of the European Union or the EFTA with an MRZ strip.


πŸ’‘ The document must be sent in color and on both sides.

❌ Expired Identity Documents


❌ We do not accept the driver's license for the opening of a Spanish company account.
This type of document cannot be used to carry out professional activities in Spain.

βœ… A passport issued by a member country of the European Union or the EEA.


πŸ’‘ The document must be presented complete in its open double page (information + photo + signature) and in color.

❌ We no longer accept UK passports from 01/10/2021, however, we do accept residence permits issued under Article 18.4 of the Withdrawal Agreement.

βœ… A long-term or temporary residence permit issued in Spain, authorizing the holder to work.


πŸ’‘ The document must be sent in color and on both sides.

❌We do not accept VISAS.


❌ Residence permits of the "student" type are not accepted.

βœ… Residence permits we accept:

  • Renewed Investor Residency

  • Initial Investor Residency

  • Highly Skilled Initial Residency

  • Initial Entrepreneur Residency

  • Residency under Withdrawal Agreement Art. 50 TEU

  • International Protection Asylum Residency

  • Initial Intra-Corporate Transfer Residency

  • Family Member Residency of EU Art. 20.DIR 2004/38/CE

  • Community Regime Residency

  • Temporary Residency for Ukrainians

  • Temporary work and residency by 1st Renewal

  • National Temporary Residency and Work of the UK

  • Renewed Temporary Residency Authorizing Work

  • Renewed Temporary Residency and Work Authorizing Work on Own Account / Others


🟠 All these residency permits are accepted as long as they authorize work.


πŸ’‘ The document must be sent in color and on both sides.

❌ We do not accept any renewal receipt, extension, request, loss, theft, or summons in any government office.


❌ We also do not accept residency permit issue receipts.



What are the acceptance criteria and reasons for rejecting an identity document?


1. The type of document. We accept the Spanish residence permit and ID cards and passports issued by a EU country.


2. The quality. All document data, as well as symbols and marks behind the text, must be completely readable.


3. The format. The document must be complete. We do not accept cut corners or edges, half pages, various marks or stickers on the document, etc.


4. The color. We do not accept documents with altered colors by a flash, saturated, filtered, or in black and white.


5. Validity. The identity document must be currently valid and not expired. We do not accept residence permits for students or individuals authorized to work on a secondary/complementary basis.



Here are examples of how we need to receive the documents:




Note: According to the law of January 6, 1978, relating to computer science and freedoms, updated (LIL), and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of April 27, 2016, OLINDA SAS is committed, in terms of security and confidentiality, to continuously protect the personal data of the users of its service.