As a Manager, how can I manage Supplier Invoices on Qonto?

  • Updated

Admins and Account holders can give access to the Supplier Invoices section to Managers with the whole company scope. If you’ve been granted permission to access the Supplier Invoices section, connect to your app and go to Invoices > Supplier invoices.


💡 More details on the Supplier invoices section: here.



What can I do with the Supplier Invoices section?

📲/💻 Both web and mobile app:

  • Upload invoices with Drive, drag-and-drop or bulk upload

  • View, download, and delete the invoices for the whole company

  • Edit the invoices' information scanned by Qonto or add missing details (Supplier’s details, invoice number, due date, payment amount, and description) to prepare the payment

💻 Web app only:

  • Mark invoices as paid and match them with an existing transaction

  • Pay by transfer all the invoices or up to your monthly or per-transfer limits (which are set beforehand)

  • Request payment for invoices in euro from the Supplier invoices section in case:

    • you don’t have transfer permission

    • the amount of the invoice exceeds your monthly or per-transfer limit

    The request will be sent for approval to the Admin, Account holder or another Manager (if the amount does not exceed the transfer limit defined) with an email and notification.


How can I pay a supplier invoice if I don’t have transfer permission or if I have reached my transfer limit?

For invoices in euro:

  1. From the Imported tab in the Supplier invoice section, open an invoice by clicking on it

  2. Fill in the mandatory fields (Supplier name, due date and amount)

  3. Click on Request transfer

  4. You will be redirected to the transfer request.

The account Owner, Admin, or another Manager (if the amount does not exceed the transfer limit defined) can:

  • Approve the transfer, which will be executed the next morning (you will be notified by email)

  • Reject the transfer, and the invoice will move back to Inbox, along with an explanation of the rejection, so you can make the necessary changes and submit the request again


In case of change of plan or error, you can also cancel a transfer request (until your request is approved or rejected by an Admin, Account Holder or another Manager).


For invoices in currencies other than euro:

Requesting a non-euro transfer for an invoice is not possible at the moment. To pay such invoices, you’ll need to reach out to an Admin, Account Holder or another Manager with transfer permission.


💡 Note that you will also be able to see and reject a transfer request from the Requests section.



I’m a Manager, but I can’t see the Supplier invoices section. Why?

It’s likely because your scope permission on Qonto is set on Team and not Whole company. Only Managers with whole company permission can see the Supplier invoices section. You can ask your account Owner or Admin to update your permissions.