When to use?
Inflows: I want to compare how much money I am making from each of my clients so I can decide where to focus my efforts for the next quarter.
Outflows: I want to understand how much I am spending on food and catering to determine if my increased costs are related to this category of expenditure.
These two graphs are there to help you understand what your inflows and outflows consist of.
👆 Good to know: internal transfers are not included in the charts when All accounts is selected.
👆 Good to know: In order to take advantage of these graphs, you need to categorise your transactions, using the suggested categories, or your custom label categories.
These graphs take the form of donut charts.
Each component of the category you are studying is represented by a different colour. If, in the "Inflows by" graph, you are on the "customers" category, and you have 4 customers, the donut will therefore be composed of 4 colours. If one of your customers represents half of your income and is represented by the colour yellow, the donut will be half yellow. The other 3 customers and their corresponding colours will then be spread over the second half of the donut.
Up to seven elements can be represented, corresponding to the most significant ones in the category studied. If there are more, you will have 6 elements, and a seventh one grouping all the others. To see the details of this last element, simply hover over it with your mouse.
In the middle of the donut chart, the total amount of the category appears. For the "Inflows by" donut, it is positive. It is negative for the "Outflows by" donut.
Each item is listed in the legend, with its corresponding percentage.
Basic customization
Your incoming and outgoing flows can be studied more closely:
Inflows: categories, source
Outflows: categories, member, beneficiary
Advanced customization: custom labels and teams
Custom labels are available for all plans, and they can be used to compare your cash flow types with each other, according to your needs. Visit this article to learn more about custom labels.
If you have one or more teams on your Qonto account, you can also filter by team or by member.
In case you want to have an even deeper understanding of your flows thanks to those two charts, you can filter your transactions comparing different criteria.
👆Good to know: By hovering over each part of the donut, a pop-up window appears with:
the share the item represents on the category it belongs to
the number of transactions it includes
the total amount of these transactions
the evolution of this amount compared to the previous period, in case the account is old enough to compare
Customization is only available on your web app.
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