You can easily create and manage customer invoices directly on your Qonto account to streamline your payment process.
This feature is available for all plans and can be accessed by Owners and Admins.
☝️ Good to know: The default format for invoices generated via the Qonto invoicing tool has been updated to Factur-X, for French businesses. Qonto is officially registered as a PDP (Plateforme de Dématérialisation Partenaire) by the DGFiP, and is therefore compliant with the e-invoicing reform.
Creating your Invoice
To create a new invoice on Qonto, follow these steps:
🖥️ From your computer, go to Invoices > Client invoices, in the left-menu. Then, click on Create invoice in the top-right corner of your screen.
📲 From your mobile app, go to Create invoice, then select “+”.
Alternatively, you can duplicate an existing invoice by selecting it from your invoice list and clicking on the duplicate icon (available only via the web app).
When creating an invoice, fill in the required fields as indicated:
Issue date, Performance date (optional), due date, and purchase order (optional).
Products and services: Add items corresponding to the products or services being invoiced, including a title, description details (optional), quantity, item unit (optional), unit price, and VAT rate. On the web, you can search through your previous Products and services.
Item details: Add items corresponding to the products or services being invoiced, including a title, description (optional), quantity, item unit (optional), unit price, VAT rate, and discount (optional).
Account information: Specify the account where you want to receive payment.
Optional: you can add a header to your invoice.
Important: If you have multiple accounts, ensure that the customer makes the transfer to the IBAN indicated on the invoice for proper reconciliation.
Adding client's information:
To include client information in your invoice, follow these steps:
a. Create a new client:
Click on Add a new client or the "+" button if it's your first time creating an invoice on Qonto.
Select whether the client is a company or an individual, and fill in their details.
You can also set the language for the customer's invoice if they don't speak the language of your company's country (choose between English, French, Spanish, Italian, and German).
Choose a different currency you would like to issue the customer’s quote and invoices, if not in Euro.
Once verified, click on Confirm Save (for phone users).
The client's information will be saved for future use, eliminating the need to re-enter the details.
b. Select an existing client:
Click on the client you wish to invoice (open the dropdown menu first via the web app).
Set up automatic invoice numbering:
Review the suggested invoice number or insert a new one via Settings.
Once confirmed, Qonto will automatically generate unique and sequential invoice numbers for future invoices.
Customizing Invoices (available only via the web app):
You can customize your invoices to reflect your brand by following these steps:
Add your logo: Upload a JPEG or PNG file (maximum size of 5 MB) via the “Settings” tab at the top of the screen.
Set issuer email address: Specify the email address you want to display on your invoice.
Set a VAT number for your invoices.
Note: Customization changes will only apply to future invoices and can be modified at any time. Previous invoices will not be updated with new logo or email changes.
Sharing your Invoice
You can share your invoice with recipients in two ways:
1. Send it by email:
Fill in the recipient's email address (multiple addresses can be added, separated by a comma) and customize the subject line and message. Optionally, add yourself in the copy of the email for tracking purposes.
Click on Send to send the invoice.
☝️ Important detail: the email address where you receive the copy of this email cannot be changed.
2. Share a payment link:
If you prefer using your own inbox or another channel, copy the custom payment URL available in the Share by payment link tab and paste it where needed.
You can also resend an invoice at any time. From the Invoicing menu, select the invoice and resend it to your client.
Cancelling Your Invoice
Did you make a mistake and want to annul your invoice? You can refer to this article.