How to choose a reason of transfer to send money to Bahrain, Jordan and UAE?

  • Updated

Learn more about the reason of payment for your international transfer to Bahrain, Jordan or the United Arab Emirates

Qonto allows you to submit SWIFT transfers to Bahrain, Jordan and the United Arab Emirates as long as you specify the reason for sending money to these countries.


This is a mandatory requirement set by their governments, but we will help you find the correct reason of payment for your transfer.


Keep in mind that Qonto does not support all types of SWIFT transfers, so if you can't find a reason of transfer that matches your payment in the information below, this means it is not supported by us today.


If you are in doubt about which reason of transfer to select for your specific payment, we advise you to contact your beneficiary to confirm it before submitting the transfer.



The reason of transfer supported by Qonto are the following:

Reason of Transfer


AFL - Paying from a non-resident current account

Transfers and payments from a non-resident to a current account in Bahrain

CHC - Donations to charities

Donations such as humanitarian aid and contributions to NGOs

FIS - Financial services

Fees and payments related to financial services that were provided to you

GDE - Goods exports

Payments related to goods imported by you (exported by the beneficiary).

GMS - Repair and maintenance services

Services related to processing, assembly, labelling, packing, maintenance and repair

IFS - Marketing and media services

News agency services, database services, and related media services

INS - Insurance services

Payment related to insurances on goods, life, travel, reimbursement, etc

ITS - Information technology services

Hardware and/or software-related services and data-processing services

PMS - Professional consulting services

Legal services, accounting, management consulting, public relations, advertising, market research, etc

PPL - Purchasing real estate

Use it to pay for a real estate in Bahrain as a nonresident

PRS - Cultural, audiovisual and entertainment services

Education services, health services, heritage and recreational services, etc

RDS - Research and development services

Basic and applied research, experimental development of new products, etc

SCO - Construction services

For payments related to the creation, renovation, repair or extension of buildings

STR - Travel

Travel-related payments such as business travel, travel agents fees, hotels, etc

TCS - Telecommunication services

Related to business network services, teleconferencing, broadcasting, satellite, television cable, and more

TTS - Technical, trade-related and other business services

Includes architectural services, waste treatment, agricultural and mining services and others not included elsewhere


The reason of transfer supported by Qonto are the following:

Reason of Transfer


0101 - Paying invoices

Payment related to purchases

0102 - Paying utility bills

Related to utility bills, such as telephone, water, electricity and internet

0109 - Saving and funding account

Transfers to your own account in Jordan for saving and funding purposes

0203 - Paying private sector salaries

Salaries, bonuses and incentives of private sector employees

0404 - Travel

Travel-related payments such as business travel, travel agents fees, hotels, etc

0602 - Goods exports

Payments related to private sector exports

0604 - Goods imports

Payments related to private sector imports

0801 - Telecommunication services

Payments related to telecommunication services provided to you

0802 - Financial services

Payments for services provided by internal audit companies, accounting firms, tax authorities, etc

0803 - Information technology services

Expenses related to IT services provided to your company

0804 - Professional consulting services

Expenses related to consulting firms

0805 - Construction services

Expenses related to construction work

0806 - Repair and maintenance services

Expenses related to industrial maintenance and assembly services

0807 - Marketing and media services

Expenses related to advertising and marketing

0808 - Mining services

Expenses on mining and related services

0809 - Medical and health services

Medical treatment, pharmaceuticals and related expenses

0810 - Cultural, audiovisual and entertainment services

Cultural, educational and entertainment services

0811 - Paying rent or property expenses

Lease expenses of real estates, vehicles, machineries and other related expenses

0812 - Purchasing real estate

Transfers of real-estate purchase

United Arab Emirates

The reason of transfer supported by Qonto are the following:

Reason of Transfer


AFA - Paying from a resident current account or deposit abroad

Transfers and payments from a current account or deposits outside the UAE (residents)

AFL - Paying from a non-resident current account

Transfers and payments from a non-resident to a current account in the UAE

CHC - Donations to charities

Donations such as humanitarian aid and contributions to NGOs. Does not include loans.

FIS - Financial services

Financial charges that don't require special calculation, such as account charges, fees for services, etc

GDE - Goods exports

Payments related to goods imported by you (exported by the beneficiary).

GDI - Goods imports

Related to goods imported by the beneficiary.

GRI - Government income taxes, tariffs and capital transfers

Tariffs and taxes payable to the UAE government

ITS - Information technology services

Hardware and/or software-related services and data-processing services

LLA - Loans repayments or loans for non-residents

Use this to repay loans given to you by residents in the UAE

PMS - Professional consulting services

Legal services, accounting, management consulting, public relations, advertising, market research, etc

PPL - Purchasing real estate

Use it to pay for a real estate in the UAE as a nonresident

RNT - Paying rent or property expenses

Use it to pay for rent on property or other expenses

STR - Travel

Travel-related payments such as business travel, travel agents fees, hotels, etc

TCP - Paying for goods and services in advance

Trade credits and advances to suppliers in the UAE

UTL - Paying utility bills

Related to utility bills, such as telephone, water, electricity and internet